Music for a Monday: Four-Year-Old Piano Prodigy

4 year old prodigy

Botl member Patricia Gonzalez-Powell (@pgpowell) shared this treasure in her Music for a Monday botl.  Prepare to be AMAZED:  The four-year-old performer plays like a Piano Master….after only three months of lessons! It’s easy to see why his performance has been viewed almost 6 million times.

Bravo! No wonder he’s received over 60,000 LIKES.

If you enjoyed this botl, be sure to check out the other 1,200 great botls in Patricia’s collections! You’ll find an incredible variety of content in her botls, including dog-themed and cat-themed media, great quotations, and gems like this video of a piano prodigy.

A multilingual world-traveler with a love of animals and commitment to rescue, Patricia has been a member of the Botl community since December 2011, sharing botls from her homes in Houston, Texas, and Santiago, Chile.

Tissue Time: “Friends Are Waiting”


You’ll be amazed at how powerful of a message can be conveyed in just one minute! Friends Are Waiting is part of Budweiser’s “responsible drinking” campaign, and in a word, it’s EFFECTIVE.

No spoiler alerts … other than to tell you to get out the tissue, especially if you’re like me in believing pets are part of the family.

budweiser friends are waiting botlFriends Are Waiting is sure to tug at the heartstrings of every animal lover. Hats off to Budweiser for tackling a serious matter so beautifully and in such a positive, compelling way.

Click on the tiny beer bottle on the right to open the Friends Are Waiting botl.

After you enjoy the heartwarming “movie,” please take a few minutes to explore Botl, the “message in a bottle” social network. You’ll find a TON of great images, GIFs and videos to explore, and you’ll discover what sets Botl apart from other content-sharing sites.

Log in to Botl online at, or download Botl’s free mobile apps on iTunes and GooglePlay.

Tiny Hamster vs Kobayashi: Hot-Dog Eating Contest!


Are you ready for an epic showdown? KOBAYASHI has challenged TINY HAMSTER to a hot-dog eating contest. Who do you think will win?

If you’ve never seen the “Tiny Hamster” videos before, you’re in for a treat.  There’s something adorable about a furry little hamster eating a teenie-tiny burrito or birthday cake. Or as in this video, a hot dog!

This little treasure was shared in a botl from CuteAnimals. If you enjoyed Tiny Hamster vs. Kobayashi, be sure to check out the other great botls in CuteAnimals’ collection, where you’ll find hundreds of images, animated GIFs and videos of CUTE ANIMALS!





Enjoy BULLDOGS ARE AWESOME, a great video compilation shared by Botl member ADog’sLife. You’ll see pudgy little bulldogs playing, trying to “talk,” riding a toboggan in the snow, and so many other entertaining things.

My favorite part is when an enthusiastic bulldog plays on a trampoline! Which segment is your favorite?


  • Bulldogs are the 6th most popular breed in the United States.
  • Many celebrities own bulldogs, including Hugh Jackman, David Beckham, Leonardo DiCaprio, Reese Witherspoon,  Ashley Olsen,  Zac Efron, and Martha Stewart.
  • Because their heads are so large, most bulldogs are delivered by  Cesarean section (“C Section”).
  • Bulldogs are a very common mascot for high schools and universities.
  • Bulldogs are believed to be the result of breeding mastiffs with pugs in the 1500’s in England.
  • The part of Stella, the adorable dog in the popular TV series Modern Family, is played by a bulldog named Brigitte.
  • President Warren G. Harding had a bulldog named Oh Boy, the only bulldog to ever live in The White House.

What’s more fun than a Barrel of Monkeys? A Scottie Pinwheel!

scottie pinwheel from angiesaxon

Meet Matthew, Mark, Luke, John….and Nigel & Anneliese! These six Scottish Terrier puppies do something pretty amazing when presented with a saucer of goat’s milk! It’s easy to see why this short video has been a hit on YouTube, receiving over 3.6 million views!

Click here to open the Scottie Pinwheel botl from Angie Saxon.  I promise it’ll be the most entertaining minute and a half of your day!

Angie is a part-time student and full-time vet tech with three dogs and two cats, and she has been a member of the Botl community since May 2013.  After watching Scottie Pinwheel, be sure to check out the other botls in Angie’s collection – She has almost a thousand! And it should come as no surprise that most of them contain great pics, animated GIFs and videos of cats, dogs, rabbits and other cute animals.

Baby Elephant Masters the Art of Ribbon Dancing

blue ribbon dance botl.comFaa Mai, a  rescued baby elephant now living at the Elephant Nature Park Sanctuary in Northern Thailand, uses the giant blue ribbon she found to beautifully demonstrates the “Lost Art of Ribbon Dancing, Baby Elephant Style.”  Well, maybe it’s not art, or not even dancing…but this playful ballet is the expression of PURE HAPPINESS, and you’re sure to smile when watching!

Tourists at the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang May, Thailand witnessed a baby elephant having the time of his life while exploring his surroundings. According to Nick M., “At first we thought the baby was being bad getting dirty, but we learned that the elephant was actually having fun with a giant elastic ribbon.” 

The elephants at the sanctuary know how to have a good time. They play with tires, they play with each other in the rain and they play with just about anything they can find … like this plastic ribbon that baby elephant Faa Mai nabbed from the field for her impromptu ribbon dance.

This wonderful little treasure was shared by CuteAnimals, a member of the Botl Community since December 2011. To view the Art of Ribbon Dancing – Baby Elephant Style” botl, click here. And be sure to check out the 400+ animal-themed botls in CuteAnimals’ collections while you’re there.  I promise you’ll find an incredible selection of “cute animal” images, animated GIFs and videos to enjoy!

Also, please join us in pledging never to buy new or vintage ivory products — which include narwhal, walrus and hippo ivory — to help save the world’s animals from poaching. The ivory trade drives a brutal campaign of international poaching, resulting in the killing of  22,000 elephants in 2012 alone, despite a global ban on the sale of ivory.

For more information, contact Save Elephant Foundation.

Sure, You’ve Seen Dogs Perform Tricks…But Never Like THIS!

poker playing card trick jilli dog

Jilli Dog, an adorable 5-pound Yorkie, is the World’s Only Poker-Playing Dog! Nine years ago, Rick Caran found this precious little girl wandering the streets, hungry and dirty, and without a collar or tags. Since then, the two have been inseparable!

As a rescue herself, Jilli Dog was the perfect choice for Goodwill Ambassador for the Yorkshire Terrier National Rescue.

And it turns out this spunky little yorkie is sharp as a tack. In addition to learning to play poker and basketball, she can perform some amazing tricks, which has made her world-famous, with television appearances as far away as Japan and Australia, and even a feature in one episode of Disney’s “Johnny and the Sprites”!  She’s come a long way since being rescued by Rick nine years ago.

It’s impressive enough when a dog learns basic commands like “sit,” “stay” and “heel,” but what you’re about to see Jilli Dog do is nothing short of AMAZING: Right before your eyes, she’ll perform a magic card trick!

Botl User FunDogPix shared this great video and information about Jillie Dog in a botl earlier today. What a great find! To open that botl, click here.  While you’re there, be sure to check out the other 400+ botls in the FunDogPix collections. If you enjoy Jilli Dog’s magic card trick, I  promise you’ll enjoy the other great dog-themed images, animated GIFs and videos, too!

It should come as no surprise that Jilli Dog is a certified therapy dog. She definitely spreads happiness everywhere she goes.

For more information about Jilli Dog, visit her website, and to view her Magic Card Trick and other videos on YouTube, click here.

You Won’t Believe Where This Tiny Chihuahua LOVES to Sleep!

COMFY SPOT  chihuahua

Looks like this sweet little chihuahua is best buds with a Gentle Giant! It was bed time, and her Mommy looked all over the house for her….finding her in this unlikely spot!

Surely an enormous GREAT DANE can’t make a comfy mattress! Or maybe it’s just perfect, because the little chihuahua seems to be quite content!  ~SWEET DREAMS, LITTLE ANGEL!~

Click the embedded video to watch this adorable clip here on our Botl blog, or click here to open the botl from ADogsLife.

While your there, be sure to look around.  ADogsLife has been a member of the Botl community since January 2012 and has almost 1,500 great dog-themed botls in their collections.

In those collections, you’ll find an incredible variety of adorable dog pics, amazing animated GIFs, and heartwarming videos.  Anyone who loves animals is bound to enjoy exploring, but dog lovers in particular are in for a REAL TREAT!!

TOO CUTE FOR WORDS: The Ultimate Dog Tease

ultimate dog tease
Ever wonder what your dog would say if he could talk? Well, watch this adorable “Ultimate Dog Tease” video and find out!

This irresistible German Shepherd responds to his owners questions about his favorite, mouth-watering foods.  It’s one of the funniest clips you’ll ever see – and even if you’ve watched it before, it’s always a treat to see again.  So enjoy!

The Ultimate Dog Tease was bottled and shared by CuteAnimals, a member of the Botl community since December 2011! To open the botl, click here.  And while you’re there, be sure to check out the other wonderful animal-themed botls in their collections.  There are over 400 for you to explore, with incredible “cute animal” images, gifs and videos guaranteed to make you laugh and smile!

ADORABLE: Big Dog, Tiny Tantrum!

Dinky the Dane talks to Daddy

Dinky the Dane talks to Daddy

Do dogs get jealous? Well, if you watch this incredible video of Dinky the Dane, you’ll know the answer soon enough!

Ro-Ro is getting massage and attention, and it’s driving Dinky crazy. He’s ready for his turn, but Daddy tells him he has to wait.  If you listen carefully, you’ll hear Dinky say “I love you” several times….before flopping himself down on the sofa with dramatic flair!

So this great video proves two things:
1. Dogs CAN be jealous!
2. Sometimes when jealousy “rears its ugly head,” it’s actually pretty ADORABLE!

To see the Big Dog, Tiny Tantrum botl from Dogs, Dogs and More Dogs, click here. And while you’re there, be sure to check out the hundreds of other great dog-themed botls in their collections.