Baby Elephant Masters the Art of Ribbon Dancing

blue ribbon dance botl.comFaa Mai, a  rescued baby elephant now living at the Elephant Nature Park Sanctuary in Northern Thailand, uses the giant blue ribbon she found to beautifully demonstrates the “Lost Art of Ribbon Dancing, Baby Elephant Style.”  Well, maybe it’s not art, or not even dancing…but this playful ballet is the expression of PURE HAPPINESS, and you’re sure to smile when watching!

Tourists at the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang May, Thailand witnessed a baby elephant having the time of his life while exploring his surroundings. According to Nick M., “At first we thought the baby was being bad getting dirty, but we learned that the elephant was actually having fun with a giant elastic ribbon.” 

The elephants at the sanctuary know how to have a good time. They play with tires, they play with each other in the rain and they play with just about anything they can find … like this plastic ribbon that baby elephant Faa Mai nabbed from the field for her impromptu ribbon dance.

This wonderful little treasure was shared by CuteAnimals, a member of the Botl Community since December 2011. To view the Art of Ribbon Dancing – Baby Elephant Style” botl, click here. And be sure to check out the 400+ animal-themed botls in CuteAnimals’ collections while you’re there.  I promise you’ll find an incredible selection of “cute animal” images, animated GIFs and videos to enjoy!

Also, please join us in pledging never to buy new or vintage ivory products — which include narwhal, walrus and hippo ivory — to help save the world’s animals from poaching. The ivory trade drives a brutal campaign of international poaching, resulting in the killing of  22,000 elephants in 2012 alone, despite a global ban on the sale of ivory.

For more information, contact Save Elephant Foundation.